Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Sacrifice


    I'm not too sure what the purpose the band that sings that song was when writing it, but it happens that I just love that song. And not only that one. I love a few others of them too.

    It strengthen in me every time. It reminds my Higher Power: Jesus.

    I thought it was worth sharing with you

On Who The Joke Is...

    How many times did they try to make him look like a fool in front of his audience and discredit him? But almost every time if it's not EVERY time, the joke bounced back on them. They looked like fools. No wonder why they couldn't stand him and tried everything to get rid of him. And they did...or so they thought...

     It's a good example of what verses like 1 Peter 5:5 says, "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

    That's what we saw Jesus did so many times. He gave his grace to the humble people, the one who were looking after him to receive his blessings. But to the one who were constantly attacking him and trying to turn him into ridicule, he gave their changed back in a few occasions. The psalmist said that "the Lord scoffs at them" (Psalm 2:4 NIV)

    Jesus himself was humble. Though he knew he was God's Son he never claimed any special treatments or privilege. He was associating with people that the religious leaders were looking down at. But Jesus was never afraid to be seen with them or take the defense of someone he was considering innocent.

    In fact Jesus told these religious leaders at one time that, if only they knew what God wants, REALLY knew, they would not have condemned innocent people.

Full Of Heaviness

    Have you had this kind of feeling inside that gives you the impression that your heart weight a hundred pounds? Probably. You're human just like I am. Having our heart broken or worries about a loved one can do that. Especially worrying about a girlfriend, a wife or a kid. Psalm 69:20 says "I am full of heaviness"

    "My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word." (Psalm 119:28 NKJV)

    Heaviness in someone's heart or worry can weighs that person down. It can rob you of your happiness. It makes you anxious. It can contribute also to cause depression. I like to mention these verses from the Bible, because often we tend to talk only about the positive ones. And that's good. I want to focus on them as well.

    But I don't want to forget that, to get there, I often had to pass through negative feelings or situations. And to me it shows that we are not alone. Even great men and women of God were affected by them once and a while.

    And whenever feelings like heaviness of the heart, worries, anxiety or depressive mood occur, I don't want to deny them. But I want to turn -- like those men and women -- to the One who can deliver me from them.

    Whenever I feel like that because of a situation in my life where it seems that there is no issue, I remember how Jesus himself felt really anxious the days and the night before they arrested him. He was so anxious that he asked some of his disciples to stay and pray with him. Jesus was human too. Just like we are. Even if he was also God. So he experienced the same kind of feelings we do.

    And I believe that's what God encourage us to do when we feel this way is to pray to him. Asking Him what should we do about the situation. How He wants us to act.