Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On Who The Joke Is...

    How many times did they try to make him look like a fool in front of his audience and discredit him? But almost every time if it's not EVERY time, the joke bounced back on them. They looked like fools. No wonder why they couldn't stand him and tried everything to get rid of him. And they did...or so they thought...

     It's a good example of what verses like 1 Peter 5:5 says, "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

    That's what we saw Jesus did so many times. He gave his grace to the humble people, the one who were looking after him to receive his blessings. But to the one who were constantly attacking him and trying to turn him into ridicule, he gave their changed back in a few occasions. The psalmist said that "the Lord scoffs at them" (Psalm 2:4 NIV)

    Jesus himself was humble. Though he knew he was God's Son he never claimed any special treatments or privilege. He was associating with people that the religious leaders were looking down at. But Jesus was never afraid to be seen with them or take the defense of someone he was considering innocent.

    In fact Jesus told these religious leaders at one time that, if only they knew what God wants, REALLY knew, they would not have condemned innocent people.

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