About The Author Of This Blog

    Even if this blog is dedicated to funny Christian jokes and that as a person I often can be considerate as someone who likes to joke around a lot, it doesn't mean that I don't take life itself seriously.

     In fact, my first priority in life is to remain sober, that's how serious it is. And for this I need to maintain a good spiritual health by making sure that my relationship with Him is good.

    But in return, I have learned over the years not to take myself too seriously. And I've been a Christian for 24 years now. And the Lord knows how serious I was in those first years.

    My intentions today are not to mock God, but rather to smile and laugh where I think Jesus himself would have done the same thing.

    Personally I think I have done more harm -- in the first years of my Christian life with the gloomy serious attitude that I had -- than good. And I'm thankful to God that he finally made me realized that and that I eventually gradually changed my way.

    Now, instead of feeling condemned and doomed like I used to be in those days, I can finally enjoy his peace, his joy and his freedom. And that's what I hope for everyone. That's one of the main reason for this blog.

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