Sunday, April 13, 2014

Resting In The LORD!


And On The Seventh Day God Took A Nap!

    After God took six days to create everything He had planned to create "a paradise on earth" He was pretty exhausted...

Think It's Funny?

    Don't laugh... it could happen to you too!

Why Don't You Just Be Quiet About It

    I'm always amazed at how seagulls are. Normally you're not supposed to feed them, depending on where you are.

    But if you have the misfortune to notice one who is sneaking around you looking at the french fry you're eating and decide to throw one at it, that poor creature will start to scream its head off until all the other seagulls could hear.

    And once they all heard and came to see, they will all fight and scream at each other to see which one of them gonna have the next french fry.

    You feel like telling that first seagull, "Why didn't you be quiet about it? Now what share do you have?" But I guess that's how seagulls are.